The project


Especially as a result of digital transformation and the associated changes in business models, workflows and the use of digital tools, employees are faced with constantly increasing demands in terms of e.g. flexibility, accessibility and transparency. As a consequence of this progress workers and managers are suffering growing stress-related conditions. It is already proven that digital stress is related to reduction of productivity, work satisfaction and motivation and also connected to higher risk of burn-out and to an unbalanced work-life relationship.

The above considerations are particularly important with regard to today’s COVID-19 crisis. Everywhere in Europe drastic changes of the daily work routine can be observed. Anti-COVID activities are leading to the need to digitalize work even more. The consequence is an increased digitally caused stress.

SMEs have few resources to deal with the problems of digitization and even more to deal with the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis, yet they represent 99% of all enterprises in the EU. In order to maintain their position in the value chains of the future, however, they must push ahead with the digital transformation and at the same time respond to the needs of their employees.
The STRESS-LESS target groups are:

  • Staff of SMEs, more specifically knowledge workers
  • Managers and owners of SMEs
  • HR Managers, Vet teachers, trainers, mentors in SMEs


The STRESS-LESS project aims to provide up-to-date figures on how the new digital stress is being dealt with and, above all, provide solutions for small (also micro) and medium-sized companies (SME).

Within the project is developed new training content about prevention and management of digital stress. The training content is applicable in work-based settings or in “home-office” settings for SMEs, their staff, managers and trainers/mentors. The programmes are available via web portal and mobile app. The innovative digital training tools help users to learn how to prevent and manage digital stress and to develop the habits and discipline required for this (how to cope with digital stress). They also help SME staff and other learners to be healthier, less stressed, easier to communicate with, suffer less from depression and burn-out.

For more info on the expected project results, go to page: PRODUCTS
Project flow

The partnership consortium consists of five organizations that have previous experience and knowledge in the areas of stress research, health, well-being and education of all project partners is brought together and transferred to each partner country. The online modules developed are evaluated by SMEs in each partner country through online surveys, personal training courses, workshops and expert interviews (based on grounded theory) and all project results are published in a scientific (STRESS-LESS) report.

For more information on project partners go to page: THE PARTNERS.

The partners

This document is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

This document was produced as part of the ERASMUS+ Project Stress-Less - Well-being and Stress Prevention in Digital Work and Home Office for SMEs", Project ID: 2020-1-DE02-KA202-007727.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.