Training platform

Welcome to the STRESS-LESS self-learning program,

The first step you need to take is to go through a simple registration process that involves entering your email address and choosing a password. You can access the program through the STRESS-LESS web-based platform or through the Happiness Accelerator mobile application.

Once you register, you will gain access to the training content, which consists of 8 modules.

You can go through them sequentially, from the first to the eighth, but it is also possible to choose which module to start with, depending on the topic you are most interested in. You do not have to complete one module to start the next. You can go through several modules in parallel.

On the right side of the screen, there is a "Categories" section from which you can choose which modules of content to see on your main screen in the platform. In the mobile application the categories can be found in the upper left corner, visualized by a symbol in the form of a funnel.

Each module consists of a number of activities (maximum 12) that will be presented to you one after the other. We encourage you to complete one activity per module per day. Once you have completed an activity, you must click the DONE button to move on to the next one.

On your main screen you will see the tasks you have reached from the modules you have selected.

After completing the last task in each module, you will be given the option to download a pdf file of all the tasks in the module so you can easily recall the content whenever you need to.

Here is a brief description of all the modules in the program:

MODULE 1: Digital Self-Awareness. Main topics: what self-awareness and self-reflection are, what the main steps of the self-reflection cycle are and how to discover which are our core values, effective methods for self-reflection.

MODULE 2: Agency and Trust. Main topics:  what is agency and how to build it; two effective techniques for emotion regulation; what is the importance of trust at work and how GDPR Law protects our data privacy. 

MODULE 3: Single-Task Strategy. Main topics: what is single tasking; how it contrasts with the multitasking; a set of techniques for focusing, planning and implementing single-tasking in daily work. 

MODULE 4: Business Communication in Digital Environments. Main topics: what are the differences in the etiquette of face-to-face and online communication, how to convey an online message in a proper manner and how to evaluate the online collaboration tools we use at work. 

MODULE 5: Digital Transformation for Leaders. Main topics: how to transform our leadership actions in digital environments while we take care about: Basic Needs, Autonomy, Mastery, Belonging and Abundance Culture of our team members.

MODULE 6: Healthy Workstyle in the Digital Workplace. Main topics: which are the 4 most important components of the healthy workstyle and advices how to build them as a habit. 

MODULE 7: Home Office Stress Management. Main topics: how to manage the stress level while working in home office; how to approach time management topic; how to set in between work life and home life and how not to neglect our rest and connection to other people. 

MODULE 8: Work–life Balance in the Digital Era. Main topics: what we can do for ourselves in order to improve our work-life balance; how to use the ancient wisdom of stoic philosophers and some modern techniques to re-discover work-life balance in the digital era and be able to set back the boundaries where they belong. 

We hope you will find it useful and have fun!

The partners

This document is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

This document was produced as part of the ERASMUS+ Project Stress-Less - Well-being and Stress Prevention in Digital Work and Home Office for SMEs", Project ID: 2020-1-DE02-KA202-007727.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.